Inoperative Vehicles - All vehicles must be operable (i.e., vehicle must run and have inflated tires) and display current registration or be kept in a garage. (Section 3-1503.B.6)
Overgrowth - Grass, weeds and undergrowth cannot be more than 12 inches high and cannot extend more than four inches over the sidewalk, curb and edge of pavement. (Sections 3-1503.B.7 & 8)
Debris - The accumulation of debris is not allowed anywhere on a property. Debris includes weeds, trash, garden trash, junk, untended growth of vegetation, undergrowth of dead or living vegetation, etc. (Sections 3-1503.B.5 and 7)
Signs - Signs cannot be placed on publicly owned land or easements or inside rights-of-way. This includes signs on utility poles, sidewalks, bridges, medians, etc. (Section 3-1804.M)
Outdoor Storage - The outdoor storage of all or part of any dismantled, partially dismantled, inoperative or discarded vehicles, RV, machinery, appliance, farm equipment, aircraft, construction equipment, personal watercraft, trailer, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, or scrap metal on any public or private property is prohibited. (Section 3-1503.B.6)
Grass Parking - One designated parking space may be located on the grass in the front yard provided it is parallel to the driveway and that access to the space is by way of the property’s driveway. If the designated parking space cannot be maintained as a grassy area then the parking area should be filled in with pavers, concrete, turf block or asphalt. Materials not permitted include crushed shell, mulch, millings or similar material. (Section 3-1407.A.4)
Boats/Trailers - Boats exceeding 20 feet in length and boat trailers exceeding 25 feet in length cannot be parked or stored in front of the residential structure building line and/or and in any right-of-way. Boats/trailers larger than that may be parked in a side or rear setback behind the front building line of the principal structure provided the vehicles are screened with a six-foot high solid fence, wall or hedge. (Section 3-1407.A.2.a-f and Section 3-1407-A.3.a-e)
Property Maintenance - All buildings must be maintained in a secure and attractive manner. All defective structural and decorative elements of a building must be repaired or replaced. Exterior surfaces shall be free of mildew, rust, loose materials, etc. Patching, painting or resurfacing shall be accomplished to match the existing or adjacent surfaces as to materials, color, bond and joining. (Sections 3-1502.B, C & D)
Graffiti - Graffiti should immediately be removed / painted over. (Sections 3-1503.B.14 and 3-1504)
Watering Violations - Water restrictions frequently change depending on drought condition. Refer to (link with quick links watering restrictions) for the most current watering restriction. (Section 32.153)