What You Can Do to Live More Sustainably


Everyone has a role to play in Sustainability

No individual effort is too little. We must work together so that future generations will continue to enjoy the green and livable city that we call home.

Here’s what you can do to live more sustainably:

Save Energy at Your Home or Business

According to Greenprint 2.0, the city's sustainability action plan, electricity is the biggest contributor to the city's community-wide greenhouse gas emissions, with most electricity being used for lighting, cooling and heating of buildings.

There are many ways to save energy at your home or business. These are some actionable tips to start:

  • Change your incandescent light bulbs to LED
  • Unplug devices and appliances when not in use
  • Adjust your air conditioning to 80-85 degrees when unoccupied in the summer
  • Get a free energy audit from your electricity provider to identify inefficiencies
  • Explore energy-smart devices and appliances
  • Go solar
  • Consider purchasing an electric vehicle

Watch 2023 Sustainability Conference for Details

Go Solar

According to Greenprint 2.0, the city’s Sustainability Action Plan, electricity is the biggest contributor to our community-wide, with most of that electricity being used for lighting, cooling and heating of buildings.

If you are interested in bringing solar energy into your home, you may benefit from installing solar panels and harnessing the sun’s power into your home or business. The city partnered with nonprofit Solar United Neighbors to offer a free solar co-op program for Clearwater and Pinellas County residents. 

This program allows homeowners and business owners to leverage bulk-purchasing power to receive discounted pricing on solar panels, get credits for clean electricity generation, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Visit SolarUnitedNeighbors.org for resources such as Solar 101, the benefits of going solar and how to get solar on your own.

Recycle Right

You can help the environment by choosing to recycle, but not everything can be recycled. Please “simplify to 5” and recycle only these five categories of items:

  • All plastic bottles and jugs #1-7 (no Styrofoam, plastic bags or wraps)
  • Glass bottles/jars
  • Aluminum/steel cans and empty aerosol cans
  • Mixed paper. If you can rip it, you can recycle it. This includes newspapers, office paper, magazines, junk mail, phone books, paperback books, cereal/food boxes, envelopes, shoe boxes, wrapping paper and folders. This does not include tissues, paper towels and napkins.
  • Flattened cardboard and cartons

Simplify to 5 Yes

Report Litter & Illegal Dumping

If you see litter or illegal dumping in your neighborhood, please report to the Keep Pinellas Beautiful litter hotline at (727) 210-GONE (4663), or report it online. Locations must be on the public right of way and not on private property. Please leave your name, phone number, location and type of illegal dumping.

Protect the Oceans & Our Waterways

  1. Use reef-friendly sunscreen. The sunscreen you apply may get washed off and enter the water. Toxic chemicals found in many commercial sunscreens, such as Oxybenzone, Octocrylene or nano-Titanium dioxide, are harmful to corals and other marine life.
  2. Reduce single-use plastics. Bring reusable containers and cutleries and say no to single-use plastic items that might end up in waterways. They can harm marine animals and our health. A new study found that human blood contains microplastics! Be accountable for the trash you create and dispose of it properly.
  3. Observe fishing regulations and etiquette. Be a good angler and protect the vulnerable aquatic ecosystem by getting well-acquainted with the local fishing regulations in both salt and fresh water. Catch and keep only what’s allowed. Dispose of fishing line in a monofilament recycling bin to avoid bird entanglement.
  4. Don’t fertilize your lawn during the summer. Skip the fertilizer during the summer rainy season to prevent excess nutrients from washing into the Gulf of Mexico, lowering oxygen levels and killing fish. Fertilizers can contribute to harmful algae blooms like red tide.

Volunteer for Cleanups & Conservation Events

Be a part of something big and join the city's conservation efforts. These events include cleanups, invasive species plant removals, planting events, animal assistance and more.

Volunteer for a Cleanup or Event

Take the Ocean Allies Pledge

Take the Ocean Allies pledge to protect Clearwater’s waterways, and share it with friends. The city of Clearwater partners with Ocean Allies, a grassroots environmental cause to help protect the ocean, one pledge at a time.

Be an Ocean Ally! Ocean Allies Logo

I take this pledge to protect this beautiful beach.
I promise to tread lightly, act kindly and explore mindfully.
I shall not take what is not mine and will help preserve this marine life habitat.
I will take my trash and litter others may have left behind.
The only thing I will leave are my footprints in the sand.

Protect Sea Turtles by Turning Lights Out Along Waterways

Be Mindful of Sea Turtles

Sea Turtle Nesting Season is May 1 to Oct. 31


Sea turtle nesting season begins May 1 and ends Oct. 31 in Pinellas County. Newly hatched turtles find their way to the sea by using brightness as a guide. Under natural conditions, the moonlight that reflects off the water contrasts with the dark silhouette over the land, guiding sea turtles toward the water.

Young turtles have a small amount of energy they must use to swim continuously for about 36 hours, once they first enter the water, to make it offshore to reach floating algae. Artificial lights from buildings and roads visible from the beach can distract hatchlings on their way to the sea. If hatchlings are confused by artificial lights, they can crawl into areas they should not be, such as pools, parking areas, and roadways, where they may perish. Only 1 in 1,000 hatchlings is estimated to survive into adulthood.

All species of sea turtles are threatened or endangered, which is why it's critical that we protect them. All sea turtles are protected under state and federal law, and Clearwater city ordinances determine specific lighting requirements for beach parking lots, streets and promenades for their protection.

If you live near the beach, close all curtains and blinds after sunset, shut off all decorative lighting, and make the switch to turtle-friendly lighting. Visit conserveturtles.org for more information.

Beaches in Clearwater and Pinellas County at large are potential nesting sites to loggerheads, green sea turtles, and the critically endangered Kemp’s ridley. Residents and visitors are encouraged to follow these quick tips to protect sea turtles and their nests:

  • Flatten sandcastles and fill in holes.
  • Pick up and properly dispose of litter on the beach.
  • Take all personal belongings from the beach at the end of the day, so no obstacles exist on the young turtles’ way to the water.
  • Stay off the dunes.
  • Shield any artificial lighting that might shine toward the beach.
  • Refrain from using flashlights or cell phone lights, if you are walking along the beach at night.
  • Say no to single-use plastic that might get carried into the Gulf of Mexico by storms.

In May 2018, Clearwater approved a voluntary resolution that promotes the long-term goal of reducing plastic pollution and single-use plastics. The city also partners with Ocean Allies, a grassroots environmental cause to steer individuals and businesses toward ocean-friendly practices.

About 450 loggerhead sea turtle nests were identified in Pinellas County last year, and each nest potentially contains about 100 eggs. If you are lucky enough to find a turtle nest on the beach, don’t disturb it. If the nest is unmarked, notify the Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s rescue hotline at (727) 441-1790, ext. 1.


Businesses Can Participate in the Eco-Hospitality Program

Clearwater businesses can participate in Keep Pinellas Beautiful’s eco-hospitality program. The Wyndham Grand Clearwater is a member, and your business can be, too. To learn more to or to register, reach out to Keep Pinellas Beautiful at (727) 533-0402 or via email at info@kpbcares.org.