Doing Business with the City

A Guide to the Policies and Procedures the City Follows in Procuring Products and Services

Procurement & Contracts

The Clearwater Procurement Division manages the centralized procurement of commodities, services and construction projects over $10,000, for all city departments. This responsibility includes every aspect of the acquisition process, from defining requirements and selecting vendors, to preparing and awarding contracts, as well as overseeing all phases of contract administration, including final disposition.

The city of Clearwater has transitioned to an new eProcurement system, OpenGov, for publishing solicitations and receiving vendor responses.  

All city of Clearwater solicitations are managed through OpenGov. Vendors must register with OpenGov to submit responses. If you haven’t registered yet, you can create an account here for free. If you already have an account, subscribe to the city of Clearwater to access our solicitations.  

OpenGov Procurement will streamline the process by providing a single online platform for electronic procurement. You will no longer need to mail or deliver hard copies of your responses to the city. The entire process will be handled within the OpenGov system, leading to a more efficient procurement experience.

Notice of Solicitations

Current solicitations can be accessed and downloaded from the city’s OpenGov bids portal: City of Clearwater. The platform ensures timely notification of bid, proposal, and qualification opportunities for contractors, consultants and vendors.

Key Features of the e-Procurement Portal

The city of Clearwater, in partnership with OpenGov, has transitioned to a fully web-based system for bid solicitation and vendor management, offering the following features:

  • Easy Registration: Register to bid and receive notifications about upcoming opportunities by subscribing and creating an account.
  • Real-Time Updates: Follow solicitations to receive automatic updates on amendments and addenda.
  • Simplified Communication: Submit questions and receive answers for open solicitations directly through the platform.
  • Streamlined Submissions: Navigate the electronic response process for RFPs, RFQs, and bids to ensure accurate submissions.
  • Centralized Access: View all bid opportunities issued by the city in one convenient location.
Get Started

To sign up, follow this link to our OpenGov portal. After registering, you’ll receive an email to activate your account. For more details on registration, refer to the help page at our OpenGov portal.

Cost-Free Registration

There is no fee for vendors to register with OpenGov.

This transition to a fully automated eProcurement platform reflects Clearwater’s commitment to enhancing efficiency and accessibility in its procurement processes.

How We Procure Commodities, Services, and Construction

The city of Clearwater procurement process is governed by the Code of Ordinances, city of Clearwater, Articles & Divisions, Sections 2.541 through 2.564. Under the Code, several different procedures may be used for purchases. These are:

  • Formal Solicitations: Purchases exceeding $50,000.00 are handled via Invitation to Bid (ITB), Request for Proposals (RFP), or Request for Qualifications (RFQ).
  • Quotations: Purchases between $10,000.00 and $50,000.00 require written, phone, or fax quotes.
  • Micro Purchases: Departments are authorized to make purchases under $10,000 to support daily activities, often through the city's P-Card program. Queries regarding these purchases should be directed to the relevant requesting department(s).
  • Other: Properly authorized emergency procurements may bypass regular purchasing procedures. Emergencies, piggybacking, sole source, and other exempt procurements require appropriate documentation and procurement authorization.
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions:

Terms and conditions for purchase orders can be found in the provided PDF Document

The Formal Solicitation Process: Invitation to Bid (ITB), Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

Commodities and services exceeding $50,000.00 or greater are procured through the formal solicitation process, unless an exemption exists.

Vendors may submit a sealed bid response to the Procurement Division which must be received no later than the published date and time deadline.  

Request for Quotation (Informal)

Each city department may seek a minimum of three (3) valid quotes directly from vendors.


The city department requesting procurement of a specific commodity and/or service, along with the Procurement Manager, will select the recommended vendor.

Approvals for commodities and/or services require the following approval authorization:

  • Greater than $100,000.00 (+): City Council
  • $50,000.01 - $100,000.00: City Manager
  • $10,000.01 - $50,000.00: Procurement Manager
  • $0.00 - $10,000.00: Department Director
Public Works Construction Bid Information

The Public Works Department oversees various aspects of construction contracting, including contractor pre-qualification.

The Public Works Department manages the selection, administration, and oversight of construction as well as multi-year rosters for Professional Engineers, Architects and Construction Managers at Risk. For future opportunities, contact the Public Works Department at (727) 562-4750.  

Click here to view the EEOC Title VI nondiscrimination agreements.

Prospective bidders on Engineering Projects must be pre-qualified to submit a bid. The Engineering Department is responsible for the pre-qualification process. The process must be completed and the Contractor's application approved a minimum two weeks (ten business days) prior to the bid opening date.  If you have any questions about the bid documents, please contact the Public Works department at (727) 562-4750.

Surplus Property

The city periodically sells surplus property to the public, including vehicles and miscellaneous items, through contracted auctioneers. Auctions take place either on-site or at the auctioneer's warehouse location.

Need Additional Information?

This webpage provides general information about conducting business with the city of Clearwater. Please note that procedures outlined here may change without prior notice. For the latest or additional information, please contact the Procurement Division.