Water Restrictions

Watering grass

Watering Schedule and Rules in Clearwater

The Southwest Florida Water Management District has issued a modified Phage 1 Water Shortage for Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough counties. Effective Dec. 1, 2023, the city of Clearwater and Clearwater Public Utilities have moved to one-day-per-week watering for all water customers, through Dec. 31, 2024. Please see the new watering restrictions/schedule below.

We urge everyone to reduce wasteful and unnecessary water use whenever possible. 

All Water Sources

  • Watering restrictions apply to all water sources, whether from public or privately owned water utility systems, private wells or private connections with surface water bodies.
  • There is to be no watering between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. from any source.
  • Hand watering, low-volume irrigation devices, or drip tubing may be used to water landscaping and non-lawn plants on any day at any time.

Established Lawns and Landscapes

When a modified Stage 1 Water Shortage is declared, residents can water once per week when watering with all sources, except reclaimed (see reclaimed restrictions below). Watering is not allowed between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If using a hose-end sprinkler, both times may be used, provided no area is watered twice.

  • Wednesday - Even-numbered addresses (or A-M)
  • Thursday - Odd-numbered addresses (or N-Z), or mixed or no street address.

Note: The allowed watering day in the city of Clearwater may differ from other water supply municipalities or areas within unincorporated Pinellas County.

New Lawns

There is a 60-day establishment period for new and replacement turf (sod, plugs, seed, etc.). Watering is not allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

  • Days 1 to 30 - any day of the week
  • Days 31 - 60 - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for even addresses (or A-M) and Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for odd addresses (or N-Z)

Reclaimed Water

All locations that use reclaimed resources to water lawns may do so on any day, not between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Citations may be issued without a warning to violators.

Sod Repair and Replacement

The watering schedule for new construction and lawn replacement (sod, plugs, seeds, and other turf grass material) is for a 60-day period. Watering is not allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.:

  • Days 1-30, any day of the week
  • Days 31-60, three days per week:
    • Even-numbered addresses (or letters A-M) on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
    • Odd-numbered addresses (or letters N-Z), mixed, or no street address on Wednesday/Friday/Sunday

Lawn Watering Facts

  • During the summer months of June, July, August and September in Florida, yards need no more than ½ to ¾ inch of water every 2 to 3 days, which includes both rainfall and irrigation, according to the Southwest Florida Water Management District. The frequency and duration of watering depends on several factors, such as the type of grass, soil conditions and local weather patterns.
  • Florida-friendly landscapes tend to be lower maintenance, more water-efficient and use less fertilizers and pesticides.

Should I follow the City's or County's Watering Restrictions?

Watering restrictions are regulated by the municipality where the property is located. If you live in Unincorporated Pinellas County, follow the county's watering restrictions. If you live in Clearwater city limits, follow the city of Clearwater's watering restrictions, listed above.

If you don't know if you live in the county or city limits, look up your address in the Pinellas County Property Appraiser database and look under "Current Tax District."

If you have questions, call the city's Code Compliance team at (727) 562-4720.