Apply for Historic Preservation Designating a historic property or district, both locally or in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), is a prestigious honor and officially recognizes the historic or architectural significance of the property.
Beach Employee Parking Permit Permits will be issued to employees of businesses located on Clearwater Beach where employee parking is not available and are valid only during the employees’ working hours.
Building Permit and Inspection Utilization Report The State of Florida requires cities that provide a schedule of fees to provide an annual building permit and inspection utilization report online. The information provided below has been derived from relevant information available from the most recently completed financial audit for the city’s fiscal year.
Building Permit Applications and Information Materials View and download construction services, building, and business tax receipt applications and forms
Check Status of a Permit Check the status of your permit via the City of Clearwater's ePermitting System.
Digital Plan Review Digital Plan Room is a new electronic document review solution that is seamlessly integrated into Accela Citizen Access Portal.
Estimate Permit Fees Use our estimator software to get an approximation of what your permit will cost.
File a Recorded Notice of Commencement Determine if a recorded notice of commencement is required and read how to record one.
Flood Zones & Elevations Go to an interactive map where the public can access available flood and elevation data for individual properties.
Get a Permit Apply here for permits for new construction, repairing or replacing components of a building, new or replacement fences, fire systems, or to remove trees.
Permitting Dashboard View an interactive dashboard with data on permitting and inspections for the city of Clearwater
Research Building Permits, Planning Cases and Business Tax Receipts Find available information for various applications and cases online.
Schedule or Cancel an Inspection Schedule or cancel your inspection online, through our 24-hour inspection phone line, or via phone text message.