American Rescue Plan Act - Public Transparency Portal

ARPA Infographic Investing $22.48M in ARPA Funds Today —
For a Bright and Beautiful Clearwater Tomorrow

The city of Clearwater has received a total of $22,483,893 under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), through the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program as passed by the United States Congress on March 11, 2021. The allocation of funding must be committed or contractually encumbered to projects and programs by the end of 2024. All money must be spent by 2026; any money unspent at that time must be returned to the federal government.

How can we spend ARPA Funds?

The expenditure of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) is subject to final ruling RIN 1505-AC77 from the United States Department of the Treasury, effective April 1, 2022, through which funds are eligible for use in the following categories:

(1) Responding to the public health & negative economic impacts of the pandemic

(2) Providing premium pay to essential workers

(3) Providing government services to the extent of revenue loss due to the pandemic, and

(4) Making necessary investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure

Eligible uses of funding are considered when a project is categorized as an Enumerated Eligible Use, or when a recipient utilizes funds to offset a reduction in revenue due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The city of Clearwater has determined that allocated funding will be used for recovery of revenue loss, freeing up additional funds to provide program services and projects in 12 designated areas to offset the negative economic impacts realized as a result of the pandemic.

How are we spending ARPA Funds?

The city used its full allocation of ARPA monies for the provision of government services due to revenue loss. This reimbursement of revenue loss freed up funds for projects and programs. Following feedback from the community and the City Council, the city has proposed a total of 12 major service areas focused on aiding a strong and equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of each service area will reinforce the City's Strategic Vision through mitigating the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, assisting families and businesses with program support, maintaining vital public services and infrastructure, and developing public investments that support long-term growth and opportunity.

Individual Projects and Programs which have been approved and are established in the city's financial system are shown below. The city of Clearwater is committed to full transparency and program accountability around the use of ARPA funds. Actual budgetary and spending data is updated automatically to enhance the city's mission of public engagement and administration of ARPA funding. Please check back frequently to view additional information on project pages in each category.

View ARPA Funding Dashboard

ARPA Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs: North Greenwood Community Grant

What is the deadline for submittal?

  • Grant applications must be completed and submitted online by 5:00 pm on February 15. No extensions will be provided. No paper applications will be accepted. We strongly recommend you do not wait until the last minute!

Can I edit a section of my application that has already been submitted?

  • Yes. City of Clearwater staff can reopen sections of your application for you to edit before the deadline of February 15.

What if my project offers more than one type of program service listed in the application? 

  • Check all boxes that apply, and explain your programming in the narrative.

Can I apply for more than one grant?

  • Yes, you may apply for more than one North Greenwood Community grant if you have more than one project planned. You may not use the funds from two different North Greenwood Community grants for the same project/program.
  • You may also apply for a grant within the Cultural Affairs Nonprofit Grant Program and/or Education Grant Program so long as you meet the eligibility requirements as described by each of the grant programs. Staff will ensure funding awarded under multiple applications is not used for the same expenses.

Can I apply if I am not currently in business but have a great idea for a project?

  • Yes, so long as you have identified a Fiscal Agent that supports your application. Please contact the staff member(s) listed on the first page of the application for more information.

Can I buy computers, materials or supplies for my program with grant funds?

  • Yes, so long as they are listed in your budget.

Can I use grant funds for construction or expansion of an existing building?

  • No. You may request funds for build out or improvements to an existing facility, however such improvements must be considered permanent and necessary to achieve project goals. Projects that are using funds for construction will be scored lower than projects that are using the funds to provide direct programs and services to the North Greenwood Community.

Do I need to have the insurance coverage listed?

  • Yes, the insurance coverage listed is required by the city of Clearwater. The organization may wait until the grant is awarded to obtain this level of coverage, but documentation of coverage will be required to receive the funds. The grant agreement will be terminated if the applicant is not able to obtain the required insurance coverage.

Can a for-profit business apply?

  • Yes, if the business provides programming that fits the eligibility criteria.

When will I know if my application is approved?

  • Staff will make recommendations for approval at the City Council meeting scheduled for April 20, 2023. Applicants will be notified on April 21 of Council’s decision.
  • You may also check the status of your application at any time by logging into your application.

If I am awarded a grant, when will I receive funds?

  • Funds will be distributed as early as May 2023. A grant agreement must be signed in advance (but after City Council has approved the award April 20.)

Will I be required to submit grant reports?

  • Yes, after receiving the grant award quarterly reports will be required until all grant funds have been expended.

Can I apply for the grant if my business/organization is not located in the city?

  • Yes, so long as the activity/program/population you serve is located within the area defined in the North Greenwood application.

What if I run out of room answering a question?

  • In the answer space provided, please enter “See Uploaded Document”. In a separate word document, identify the question by number as listed in the application (e.g. D.2 Budget Narrative) and then provide your answer.   Upload in the Required Documents tab under the “Other” section.

How much in grant funds am I able to request?

  • Refer to each section’s maximum grant award.  Please describe in detail the need for which funds are requested. Staff will evaluate the reasonableness of the request based on anticipated program impact and in comparison to other requests received. If applying under multiple sections, a description of how the funds will be used within each section is helpful for the reviewers to understand your project goals.

If I request a certain dollar amount in grant funds, is it an all or nothing award?

  • No, the panel review will determine the dollar amount of the grant award.

In the Required Documentation Section, I am not able to “Complete & Continue”?

  • Please make sure you have uploaded all the required documentation (identified as *required).  Once you have everything uploaded, you will be able to “complete & continue” and submit the application.

ARPA-Related Funding Dashboard