NOTE: Citizens to Be Heard regarding items not on the agenda is not be part of the City Council Meeting agenda. Comments can be made by the public regarding items that are on each City Council Meeting agenda.
If you wish to address the City Council at a City Council Meeting, be sure to complete a Comment Card at the meeting.
- Comment Cards are located on the right-hand side of the dais by the City Clerk in council chambers.
- When recognized, please hand your card to the City Clerk, approach the podium and state your name.
- Persons speaking before the City Council shall be limited to 3 minutes, unless otherwise noted under Public Hearings.
- Remember that while the public can attend the City Council Work Sessions, citizens are not permitted to speak during City Council Work Sessions.
For other than "citizens to be heard regarding items not on the agenda," a spokesperson for a group may speak for 3 minutes plus an additional minute for each person in the audience that waives their right to speak, up to a maximum of 10 minutes.
- Prior to the item being presented, please obtain the form to designate a spokesperson from the City Clerk.
- Up to 60 minutes of public comment will be allowed for an agenda item.
- No person shall speak more than once on the same subject unless granted permission by the City Council.
The city of Clearwater strongly supports and fully complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please advise us at least 48 hours prior to the meeting if you require special accommodations at (727) 562-4090. Assisted Listening Devices are available.
Kindly refrain from using cell phones and electronic devices during the meeting.
Citizens wishing to provide comments on an agenda item in advance of the meeting are encouraged to do so through written comment. The city has established the following two options:
- eComments via Granicus - eComments is integrated with the published meeting agenda. Individuals may review the agenda item details and indicate their position on the item. You will be prompted to set up a user profile to allow you to comment, which will become part of the official public record. The eComment period is open from the time the agenda is published. Comments received during the meeting will become part of the official record, if posted prior to the closing of public comment. The City Clerk will read received comments into the record.
- Email - Individuals may submit written comments or videos to All comments received by 5 p.m. the day before the meeting will become part of the official record. The City Clerk will read received comments into the record.