How to Request an Amendment to the Future Land Use Map

Complete the application, city staff and other boards will review, county will review, and then it will be made effective


The City’s Comprehensive Plan includes a Future Land Use Map with Future Land Use designations for all property in the City. These designations establish what you can do with your land. Property owners can petition the city to consider changing their designation through the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process. Petitions should demonstrate how proposed changes meet the future vision of the City established by the goals, objectives and policies within the Comprehensive Plan.

When to Apply

The City accepts applications every month for requests to modify future land use designations. The Planning and Development Department submittal calendar includes major deadlines and public hearing dates for every cycle. The length of time the amendment process takes depends on several factors, including the size of your property and dates when public hearings may occur.

Plan amendments include properties larger than 10 acres in size, and take approximately seven to eight months to complete the review and public hearing process. "Small Scale" amendments include properties ten acres or less and take approximately six months to become effective if approved.

What's Involved

There are several steps involved in requesting amendments to the City’s Future Land Use Map, and staff will assist applicants through each step in the process. In addition to being reviewed by city staff, the Community Development Board provides an advisory recommendation to the Clearwater City Council. City Council has final review authority, as well as the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Pinellas Planning Council, and the Countywide Planning Authority.