Paid Parking Benefits Clearwater Residents

Lifeguard tower

Paid Parking Supports Local Businesses.

  • Paid parking can contribute to the vitality of local businesses.
  • When parking spaces turnover, it becomes easier for customers to park near their desired destinations.
  • This convenience attracts more visitors to commercial areas, boosting local businesses and economic activity.

Paid Parking Provides Funding for Community Assets.

  • Clearwater Beach lifeguards and lifeguarding program.
  • Daily raking of Clearwater Beach and other beach beautification projects.
  • Clearwater's school crossing guards program.
  • The building, maintaining and repairing of parking garages.

Paid Parking Ensures Efficient Use of Parking Spaces.

  • Encourages turnover and ensures parking spaces are utilized efficiently.
  • Discourages long-term or unnecessary parking.
  • Allows more people to access the available parking spots

Paid Parking Increases Revenues.

  • The monies generated from paid parking are used to fund the operations and maintenance of the garages, related equipment, on-street parking program, debt repayments, capital improvements, and possible funding toward a new garage.

Paid Parking Reduces Congestion.

  • Paid parking encourages people to park for shorter durations, facilitating a better flow of traffic, and reducing parking congestion.
  • People are less likely to leave their vehicles parked for extended periods, resulting in a shortage of available spaces.

Paid Parking Promotes Fairness and Equity.

  • Paid parking promotes fairness by ensuring that everyone pays for use of public parking spaces.
  • It also prevents a situation where a few individuals or businesses dominate parking areas, leaving others with limited options.