Connecting Clearwater: Active Transportation Plan

TAKE THE SURVEY! Your feedback will help the city of Clearwater identify new active transportation facilities, as well as upgrades to existing facilities.

Active Transportation Plan Overview, Map and Survey

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What is an Active Transportation Plan?

Active transportation refers to modes of travel that are powered by human energy, such as walking, biking, and using non-motorized vehicles. It emphasizes physical activity as a means of transportation, promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing environmental impact. Active transportation also includes access to transit, making it easier for people to combine walking or biking with public transportation for longer trips.

What is the purpose of this project?

The primary purpose of the plan is to identify feasible active transportation projects that can ultimately be constructed throughout the city of Clearwater. The plan will identify facilities on city, county and state roads, that together will form a comprehensive network of walking and bicycling facilities.

What are the key aspects and goals of ATP?

Goal 1: Accessibility
  • Objective: Enhance access to more destinations, such as parks, schools, shopping centers, and transit stops, for people walking and bicycling.
  • Example: More dedicated facilities for bicycling, improved crossing locations, and enhanced lighting.
Goal 2: Safety
  • Objective: Enhance safety for people walking and bicycling.
  • Example: Provide dedicated space protected from high- speed vehicle traffic for people bicycling, like trails, and provide more frequent crossing locations for people walking.
Goal 3: Feasible Projects
  • Objective: Develop and prioritize a list of implementable projects.
  • Example: Widen sidewalk to better accommodate bicyclists when there is available right-of-way and prioritize projects where the most people can benefit, like connecting to schools and parks, and in neighborhoods with limited access to vehicles.

Take The Survey