Downtown Gateway

  • Project typeLong-Range Plan
  • Project scheduleOngoing
  • Contractor nameGensler

Development of a Vision Plan

The Clearwater Downtown Redevelopment Plan describes the vision for the East Gateway Character District(PDF, 57KB) as:

"...a vibrant, stable, diverse neighborhood defined by its unique cultural base and mixed land uses. It will continue to be developed as a low and medium density residential neighborhood supported with neighborhood commercial and professional offices concentrated along the major corridors of Cleveland Street, Gulf to Bay Boulevard, Court Street and Missouri Avenue. The areas northeast of Gulf to Bay Boulevard and north of Cleveland Street, and east of Hillcrest Avenue should be maintained as a primarily low density, low-rise residential neighborhood. The areas southwest of Gulf to Bay Boulevard, south of Cleveland Street, and north of Cleveland Street west of Hillcrest Avenue are appropriate for medium- and high-density multi-family residential. Institutional uses should remain primarily south of Cleveland Street."

In response to a recommendation from the East Gateway Stakeholder Advisory Group, the CRA hired a consultant to develop a comprehensive and collaborative neighborhood vision plan that is currently underway.

On May 31, 2011 the CRA hired Gensler to develop a comprehensive and collaborative neighborhood vision plan that will address three main areas:

  1. a Neighborhood Market/Economic Analysis that defines the economic base for market-supportable revitalization efforts;
  2. Community Outreach and Stakeholder Involvement culminating in a Community Design Charrette that provides a strong, clear vision of the area and responds to current and future market opportunities;
  3. a Concept Plan and Policy Framework that identify specific implementation actions and tools needed to achieve the vision over a 20-year horizon.

The East Gateway District Vision Plan is expected to:

  • Deliver a workable strategy with supporting rationale;
  • Ensure that new development can be economically viable;
  • Build on previous and current plans, initiatives, and projects;
  • Maximize ultimate return on public investment;
  • Address community interests and concerns; and
  • Provide recommendations aimed to enhance the quality of life and standard of living


Cleveland St. and Gulf to Bay Blvd, Clearwater 33755  View Map

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